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Happy FinServ: Your Premier Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Advisor in Delhi


When it comes to portfolio management services (PMS), Happy FinServ emerges as the leading provider in India. With a focus on personalized portfolios, better returns, and a minimum investment ticket size of 50 Lakhs, Happy FinServ offers a superior alternative to Mutual Funds. PMS allows individuals to own stocks without the burden of portfolio management, making it an ideal choice for busy investors seeking higher returns and flexibility.

Let’s explore the advantages of PMS and the key factors to consider when choosing a reliable portfolio management service.

Advantages of PMS

Portfolio Management Services (PMS) come with several advantages over Mutual Funds. Here’s why Happy FinServ’s PMS stands out:

  1. Personalized Portfolios: PMS offers customized portfolios tailored to individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial aspirations. This level of personalization ensures that investments align with the client’s specific requirements.
  2. Better Returns: PMS portfolios are designed to outperform market indices, aiming for superior returns. With skilled fund managers at Happy FinServ, clients can benefit from strategies that seek alpha over index performance.
  3. No Lock-In Period: Unlike many investment options, PMS does not come with a lock-in period. This means clients have the flexibility to liquidate their investments whenever they choose, providing easy access to their funds.

Choosing the Right PMS Portfolio

When selecting a PMS portfolio, certain aspects should be carefully considered:

  1. Superior Returns: Evaluate the track record of the PMS provider and their ability to generate consistent and superior returns over a significant period. Happy FinServ’s expertise in portfolio management ensures clients receive optimal returns on their investments.
  2. Tax Efficiency: Look for a PMS portfolio that optimizes tax benefits and offers tax-efficient investment strategies. This ensures clients can maximize their post-tax returns and minimize their tax liabilities.
  3. Diversification: A well-diversified portfolio helps manage risks effectively. Happy FinServ emphasizes the importance of diversification, creating portfolios that span across multiple asset classes, sectors, and investment styles.

Success Stories

Happy FinServ takes pride in serving a wide range of PMS clients, including young couples from diverse financial backgrounds. Here are a couple of success stories that highlight our expertise:

  1. Case Study: Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor approached Happy FinServ with a desire to own stocks but lacked the time for portfolio management. We designed a PMS portfolio that aligned with their risk appetite, financial goals, and time constraints. Today, the Kapoors enjoy a well-managed portfolio that delivers steady returns while they focus on their other commitments.
  2. Case Study: Ms. Gupta Ms. Gupta, a business professional, sought assistance in diversifying her investment portfolio. Through our in-depth analysis, we crafted a PMS portfolio that combined equities, debt instruments, and alternative investments. Ms. Gupta now enjoys a diversified portfolio that helps manage risk and has the potential for higher returns.

Diverse PMS Products

The universe of PMS products is vast, offering choices from reputable providers such as White Oak Capital, Kotak Asset Management, and ASK Investment Advisors. At Happy FinServ, we guide clients in selecting the most suitable PMS product, ensuring it aligns with their investment objectives and risk profile.


Happy FinServ stands as the premier Portfolio Management Services (PMS) advisor in Delhi, serving a diverse clientele from corporate, government, and business sectors. Led by the experienced Madhur Kukreja, our team provides professional portfolio management, individualized financial analysis, and 24X7 support for PMS clients. We believe in the aspirational component of PMS, offering personalized portfolios, regular portfolio reviews, and a wide range of investment options. To begin your PMS journey with us, call +91-8719820130, request an appointment at your convenience, or visit our office at the registered address: []. Achieve your financial goals with confidence, backed by Happy FinServ’s expertise and dedication.